7 Chakras Workshop
7 Chakras Workshop
7 Chakras Workshop
7 Chakras Workshop
by Çisem Nesibe Kartal
This workshop is a journey through seven chakras to bring more understanding of the seven planes of the Universe and thus creating more awareness of different levels of consciousness to be able to have more love, intuition, clarity and lucidity in our lives.
The workshop is structured as a series of four Yoga classes, first one in Friday evening and the other three on Sunday. Best would be to attend the whole series to receive a full understanding of the 7 Chakras, however it is also possible to attend only one or more individual class, for the people with time restrictions. A quick wrap-up of the previous class(es) will be given at the beginning of each class.
- Break New Ground
24 January Friday 19:30-21:30
- Theoretic Intro on 7 Chakra System
- Short meditation on 7 Chakras
- Short Theory on Muladhara (Root) Chakra
- Practice on Muladhara
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- From Insticts to Personal Power
26 January Sunday 10:30-12:30
- Short Theory on Svadhisthana (Sexual) Chakra
- Practice on Svadhisthana
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- Short Theory on Manipura (Navel) Chakra
- Practice on Manipura
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- From Heart to Intuition
26 January Sunday 13:30-15:30
- Short Theory on Anahata (Heart) Chakra
- Practice on Anahata
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- Short Theory on Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra
- Practice on Vishuddha
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- From the Third Eye to Oneness
26 January Sunday 16:30-18:30
- Short Theory on Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra
- Practice on Ajna
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- Short Theory on Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
- Practice on Sahasrara
- Warm-ups (Exercises and/or dance)
- Asana (Yoga poses)
- Pranayama (Breath and energy control)
- Meditation (Music and/or Mantra)
- Single class: 40 Euros per person
(Early bird price until 31 December: 30 Euros per person)
- Whole Workshop (all 4 classes): 130 Euros per person
(Early bird price until 31 December: 100 Euros per person)
Çisem, a Piscean who was born in Ankara, Turkey, has always kept a deep enthusiasm and curiosity towards “the unknown” and been amazed by the mystery of the Universe, which became her first motivation to devote her life to the path of Tantra Yoga and mystical studies.
She has been practicing and teaching Yoga and Tantra since 2011 in many different corners of the world such as Thailand (Agama Yoga), India, Europe (Bulgaria, Austria, France) and Brazil, also having the joy of teaching in her own language by organizing various workshops and retreats in Turkey since 2012.
In her spiritual journey, studying the esoteric Yoga and Tantric teachings has been her gateway to higher wisdom, discovering the Tantric mentality and experiencing the inner transformation through Yogic practice has been her guide and sharing this knowledge through the workshops and retreats has been the gift of this experience.
FB: Çisem Nesibe Kartal
Insta: cisemnk